Your VAE Process (Validation of Acquired Experience)
How to get a degree through your Work / Life Experience?
Using the VAE Process

Get your Degree through Experience
Special Programs for India & UAE
Rest of the world
- Fill the Application Form
- Pay the 50€ Application fee
- Send your documents*
- Decision within 20 Days
- If accepted Pay the 650€ Jury Fees
- Jury decision within 2 months
- If granted, Diploma send electronically outside the EU/Europe, or given at our multiples formal Graduation Ceremonies.
Extra for UNESCO-European Union Diploma Supplement in English 50€
Documents*: Anything that proves your experience i.e. : Studies & Degree, Employment Contract, Testimony, Award, Publication, etc,
Accelerated VAE Process (15 days)
- Fill the Application Form
- Pay the 1200€ Accelerated VAE Process Fees
- Send your documents
- Degree Decision within 15 days
- If granted confirmation letter send electronically. Degree & UNESCO Diploma Supplement send by registered post
Please note the above mentioned Fees & Deliverables is not applicable in India & Dubai.
For more details please contact:
1) DUBAI +971- 56 6796096 or mail to
2) INDIA +91- 98914 77567 or mail to
Our Degrees
The French Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon®, an “Etablissement d’Enseignement Supérieur Privé sans but lucratif” may grant degrees -“certificats” according to the Art L 731-14 of the French Code de l’Education after the “délibération du Jury de VAE”.
This process is inspired by the French Law of January 17, 2002. This process is in line also with the US Immigration rule 8 C.F.R. 214.2(h)(4)(iii)(C) that states “For purposes of determining equivalence to a baccalaureate degree in the specialty, three years of specialized training and/or work experience must be demonstrated for each year of college-level training the alien lacks”. We suggest that any French degrees for US University admissions, job research or Immigration should be evaluated by a recognized US Credential Evaluators. See our list on our home page in English.
We use on the “Bologna process” 3/5/8 System (Magna Charta of European University), adopted which is common and by 40 countries including the 29 European countries.
For the following degrees please use the formula: 3 years of qualified work experience = 1 year of University studies.
Associate-Cycle Universitaire de 2 ans (UNESCO ISCED level 5)
May be considered equivalent to a US Associate Degree from a regionally accredited Institution of Higher education. Requirements: 6 years of work experience or completion of one year of University studies + 3 years of work experience.
Bachelor Cycle Universitaire de 3 ans: (UNESCO ISCED level 6)
May be considered equivalent to a US Bachelor Degree, a Laurea (Italy) or a Vordiplom (Germany) from a regionally accredited institution of higher education. The total of University studies (Regular or/and through the work experience formula) should be 3 years.
M.A., M.Sc., MBA, Magistère, LL.M. (UNESCO ISCED level 7)
May be considered equivalent to a US Master from a regionally accredited institution of higher education as well as a UK Master Degree, Kandidate Naouk (Russia),The total of University studies (Regular or/and through the work experience formula) should be 5 Years.
Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (EDBA) (UNESCO ISCED level 8)
Our VAE jury may grant such degree if you have only 6 years of professional experience after the Master, 12 years after a Bachelor and 21 years if you have no higher education diploma.
Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy (UNESCO ISCED level 8)
May be considered equivalent to a PhD./Dottorato/Dr. Naouk. The total of University studies (regular or through the work experience formula) should be 8 years minimum. Could be also granted through the VAE see the French page of our colleagues.
Post Doctoral Degree (HDR)
For Doctorate degree holders 8 (or equivalent) having done research.
The Ecole Supérieure Universitaire Robert de Sorbon is a legal registered French private educational institution founded in 2004, headed by faculty members that obey strict governmental rules to bestow Degrees. The Jury for each specialty is made of highly qualified specialists. The work experience should be well documented and must show an increase in responsibilities and knowledge.
For Jobs, License, and immigration (incl. H1B visa), a Diploma is required generating often obvious injustice. Many times professional experience generates more knowledge that totally theoretical courses on abstruse fields.
The Mahatma Ghandi said “The real education is to draw the best from oneself” France through the VAE Law agree in giving Degree based on work experience.
Formal Gowns, Caps, Tassels and Hoods for our graduates from E.S. Robert de Sorbon®
made to last a lifetime. Only for graduates.
About the integrity of the Process
The degree that the Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon® may grant is a “Certificat issu par un Etablissement d’Enseignement Supérieur Privé” as defined by the Ordonnance nº 2000-916 du 19 septembre 2000 art. 3 Journal Officiel du 22 septembre 2000 en vigueur le 1er janvier 2002).
We expect total integrity from our students and the jury may check, with the issuing sources, the documents presented for the VAE and the identity of the applicant. To produce a false document is a felony punished by a large fine and up to three years in jail in France. Article 441 of the French Code Pénal:
“Constitue un faux toute altération frauduleuse de la vérité de nature à causer un préjudice et accomplie par quelque moyen que ce soit, dans un écrit ou tout autre support d’expression de la pensée qui a pour objet ou qui peut avoir pour effet d’établir la preuve d’un droit ou d’un fait ayant des conséquences juridiques. Le faux et l’usage de faux sont punis de trois ans d’emprisonnement et de 45000 euros d’amende.”
As the diploma issuance is based on experience, mastering the French language is not required.
The whole VAE process is done online